Monday, May 27, 2013

Never Forget

Memorial Day, the day we remember those who have sacrificed to protect the United States and our way of life.  For most of us it is easy to remember those who serve because we live in city that hosts a large military installation.  There is no shortage of uniformed people in our city and therefore, there is no shortage of reminder to whom we owe our freedom.  With all of this reminder, we often forget those who have sacrificed and are not in uniform.  Military spouses and children are often forgotten on Memorial Day.  I am in no way trying to minimize the sacrifice of our soldiers since many that we remember today have paid the ultimate price for our freedom.  Nonetheless, military families are forced to endure many months without their loved ones; and constantly live in fear that those they love will not return.  Today as you go about your day look for those who are shadowing people in uniform.  Look for the families that stand behind our soldiers and who are often forgotten on this day.


  1. Agreed! Thank you for posting this, Mitch. I know that I often forget the families and tend to only think about the soldiers... So, thank you for the reminder! :)

  2. I am so grateful to the men and women who have given so much for us and our country. Even with all it's problems, America is still the greatest nation in the world. God bless America!!

  3. Hey Mitchell,
    I do have a question for you. I am concerned abut the safety of the social media forum. For example, Facebook vs Google +. Thoughts?? Anything you can say will be helpful. I feel so much harm can potentially be done and am not sure about how well the "safety" devices even work. Do I make sense?
    This last post was a great blessing! Yes, God Bless America, and return her to her place of honoring God!!!!Heavy prayer needed!
    God Bless you!
